Cash register order Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Информация о фирмеLegal entity name *Registration number *Legal address *Hardware installation address *VAT rate *No21%OtherConfigurationCash register name *First ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird ChoiceCash drawer *YesNoChoose a cash drawerFirst ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird ChoiceText and graphic1. department and VAT rate3. department and VAT rate5. department and VAT rate7. department and VAT rate9. department and VAT rateMore information at the top of the receipt. For example: "", "phone 22-22-22-22"Do you need to display a logo on the receipt? *YesNo2. department and VAT rate4. department and VAT rate6. department and VAT rate8. department and VAT rate10. department and VAT rateAdditional text at the bottom of the check. For example: "Paldies par pirkumu", "Gaidīsim Jūs atkal"Upload your logo Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Acceptable file types: JPG or PNGИмя, фамилия, должность уполномоченного лица *LayoutPhone *E-mail *Order